30-12-99 |
DVD Industry's request for a temporary restraining order was DENIED! |
A few hours ago, in a hearing at the Superior Court of the state of California, County of Santa Clara, to determine if a temporary restraining order should be granted against websites who are linking DeCSS, was DENIED. However, this is just temporary as the next hearing on the preliminary injunction is on January 14, 2000. Still it is excellent news.
The defense of this case has been assumed by EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) which is a non-profit organization defending this case as they are concerned about insuring that the Internet remains open and free of unnecessary restraints. Lets all support this foundation so that they can continue the fight against the DVD industry!
The full story can be read at The Ultimate DeCSS Resource Site. |
CD Media Info |
Thanks Olli Salonen for sending the Samsung info! |
IsoBuster from Smart Projects |
Added IsoBuster v0.99 to the CD/DVD Utilities page.
IsoBuster is a CD/DVD utility which lets you explore a CD File System while by-passing Windows. Here are the main features:
- Better Error handling and several retry-mechanisms to aid in getting the data anyway (or at least partially).
- More CDs stay 'readable' after problems (such as Buffer Underrun)
- Read and extraction from CD-i, VCD, SVCD, CD-ROM, CD-ROM XA, DVD, DVCD,...
- MPG (*.dat) Extraction and dat2mpg 'in one'.
And it supports the *.DAO, *.TAO (Duplicator), *.ISO (Nero, BlindRead, Creator) & *.BIN (CDRWin) CD Image types.
Thanks Peter Van Hove (the author from IsoBuster) for the info & GREAT tool ;) |
CD/DVD Misc News |
CD-R, Audio & MP3 Software Releases |
27-12-99 |
CD Media Info |
CD-Protector Update |
Added CD-Protector v2.50 to the CD/DVD Utilities page - Thanks DudeZ [NRG]!
- CD-Check directly from the CD-Rom.
- Run the .EXE from the CD *WITHOUT* first to copy it to HD.
- The protection routine is more reliable.
- The CDCheck routine, now implement a proprietary timing-sector check.
CD-Protector is a CD-R utility that helps you to create your own copy-protected CD by encrypting files in the DATA track and by using dummy AUDIO tracks. |
CD-R, Audio & MP3 Software Releases |
For a complete overview see the CD-Writer, DVD-Writer & Audio/MP3 Software pages. |
26-12-99 |
CD Media Info |
CD/DVD Misc News |
- WinDVD Download Zone released their latest WinDVD 2000 product which can disable the Macrovision DVD Protection.
Happy Holidays! |
Best wishes to all for a healthy and happy holiday season! |
23-12-99 |
TDK veloCD CD-ReWriter |
TDK introduces their new veloCD CD-ReWriter.
The drive comes with a very complete software suite: TDK PureDupe, TDK Digital MixMaster, TDK Audiomatic Processor, Adaptec EasyCD Creator, Adaptec Direct CD and some bonus software.
Technical Details:
- 8x Write, 4x ReWrite & 32x Read
- 20x CDDA Audio Rip - CD DAE from Erik Deppe was used for this.
- IDE ATA/ATAPI-4 Interface
- 4 MB Data Buffer
- Capable of reading & writing CD-Text
The VeloCD will be available in January 2000 for an suggested retail prices of a US$ 349
Technical support for the TDK veloCD will be handled by ECI, more info in their Press Release - Thanks Cascade2000.net for the info. |
CD-R, Audio & MP3 Software Releases |
Miscellaneous CD/DVD Related News |
Hardware-one.com reviews the Plextor PlexWriter 8/4/32A CDRW
Their Conclusion:
Having taken the PX-W8432Ti for a test-spin, I must say that I have no qualms recommending the drive at all. From a practical perspective, the only physical benchmarks that had me concerned were the anomalous transfer speeds (probably due to some erroneous setting hopefully) and the high CPU utilization (which is probably representative of most IDE drives). In any case, the former isn’t that important unless you’re planning to use the drive for regular CD-ROM reading as well (not advisable as CD-R/RW drives have typically shorter MTBFs than plain CD-ROMs).
In terms of practical writing capabilities and speeds, it excels and performs up to par expected of Plextor drives. However, admittedly I do not have experience yet with other upcoming CD-RW drives from competitors to do a detailed comparison.
But the only thing that really bothered me is the lack of a decent software package. I guess unless Plextor does bundle a better CD-Writing software pack, I’m afraid you’ll be compelled to scurry off and pick up Adaptec’s Easy CD Creator / Direct CD before gaining practical usage from the drive.
More CD-ROM/Writer Reviews can be found here and DVD Reviews here. |
22-12-99 |
CD Media Info |
Thanks Nicolas de Saint Remy from Yamaha/France for sending the info! |
Teac Drivers |
Yesterday Teac released two new CD-ROM drivers:
CD-R, Audio & MP3 Software Releases |
CD-Writer Firmware Releases |
21-12-99 |
TerraTec M3Po MP3 CD-Player |
The M3Po is made by TerraTec Promedia. It is another standalone MP3 Player which also can playback normal Audio CD's. |
The one thing that stands out is that it is possible to add an internal IDE harddisk, no need to swap CD's so much! It supports ISO9660/Joliet and FAT16/32 file systems on CD and harddrive. Another good thing is that the internal software is upgradeable.
It uses a shuttle-dial, located on the right, to quickly scan through all the titles. Something that is missing in the previous MP3 players which usually have only up & down buttons.
The M3Po is currently being sold for an suggested retail prices of a hefty US$ 499... |
CD-R, Audio & MP3 Software Releases |
For a complete overview see the CD-Writer, DVD-Writer & Audio/MP3 Software pages. |
The Week in Review |
CD/DVD NewsWire |
CD News: |
17-12-99 |
Plextor 12/4/32 CD-ReWriter |
Plextor released their new CD-ReWriter flagship, the PlexWriter 12/4/32 (PX-W124TSi/e). They is the second manufacturer to create a 12x speed writer after Sanyo CRD-RW2N.
The retail pack comes with the following software WinOnCD, PacketCD, BackUpMe & Plextor Utilities. |
Technical Details:
- 12x Write, 4x ReWrite & 14x-32x Read (Partial CAV)
- SCSI-3 Interface (UltraSCSI) (20MB/s Burst Data Transfer Rate) to support 12x speed writing
- 4 MB Data Buffer
- 160ms Access Time (14x-32x PCAV)
- Capable of reading & writing CD-Text
Sanyo CRD-BP2 BURN-Proof CD-ReWriter |
Sanyo released their second 12x speed CD-ReWriter, the CRD-BP2. This drive is using the new BURN-Proof technology (BURN-Proof = Buffer UnderRuN Proof).
For now it is only sold in Japan for ¥en 65.000 / US$ 630. |
Technical Details:
- 12x Write, 4x ReWrite & 32x Read
- SCSI-3 Interface (UltraSCSI) (20MB/s Burst Data Transfer Rate)
- 4 MB Data Buffer
Included with the CRD-BP2 has some very nice looking software package called BURN-Proof Home Doctor which is also able to check the quality of a CD-R. More info at Burn-Up (Japanese) |
Yamaha CRWP-4420SX Portable CD-ReWriter |
Yamaha released their portable CD-ReWriter, the CRWP-4420SX. It seems to be the first writer which was not developed by Yamaha themselves as it is based on the Ricoh MP8040 Portable CD-ReWriter. |
Technical Details:
- 4x Write, 4x ReWrite & 20x Read
- PCMCIA Interface
- 2 MB Data Buffer
- Capable of reading & writing CD-Text
- Suggested retail price is ¥en 62.000 / US$ 600
Teac CD-W4432EKB CD-ReWriter |
Today Teac released their first CD-ReWriter in Japan called the CD-W4432EKB (CD-W54E). It looks like a nice drive but 4x speed writing is a bit "slow" compared with the new Plextor & Sanyo drives. It has never been confirmed but it looks suspiciously a lot like the Ricoh MP7040A CD-ReWriter. |
Technical Details:
- 4x Write, 4x ReWrite & 10x-32x Read (CAV - 12x DAE)
- IDE/ATAPI Interface
- 2 MB Data Buffer
- Capable of reading & writing CD-Text
- Suggested retail price is ¥en 19.700 / US$ 190
BlindRead Update |
It has been a while since the last update but here it is: BlindRead 3
BlindRead 3 is powerful CD-Reader software, designed to dump the full contents of a CD to an ISO image file, which then can be burned onto a CD-R. It also capable in reading Copy-Protected CD's!!!
Supported CD formats: Data, Audio, Mode 1, Mode 2, Playstation, 3DO and Saturn - Thanks Wesson. |
16-12-99 |
CDR Identifier Update |
Added the CDR Identifier 1.49 to the CD/DVD Utilities page - Thanks Frank Wolf!
- Added 1 new manufacturer:
- Hile Optical Disc Technology Corp.
- Friendly CD-Tek Co.
- Sound Sound Multi-Media Development Limited.
- kdg mediatech AG
CD-R, Audio & MP3 Software Releases |
For a complete overview see the CD-Writer, DVD-Writer & Audio/MP3 Software pages. |
The Week in Review |
CD/DVD NewsWire |
CD News: |
DVD News: |
Shinco 8320 DVD/VCD/SVCD/MP3 Player Review |
CDR-Info reviewed the Shinco 8320 DVD/VCD/SVCD/MP3 Player. It sounds like a nice player, the only problem is that it only accepts Princo CD-R media. Another problem is that it only shows 8 character filenames on-screen, which is a bit stupid as all MP3 filenames are usually much bigger! The only thing missing in the review is the AC-3 Dolby Digital Audio test which is an important issue for the read audio freaks (like me ;). |
New Site Layout |
As you already may have noticed, the site frames have been removed which results in a more professional look. Hope you like it! |
12-12-99 |
CDR Identifier Update |
Added the CDR Identifier 1.48 to the CD/DVD Utilities page - Thanks Frank Wolf! |
CD-R, Audio & MP3 Software Releases |
10-12-99 |
ReplayTV 2020 |
It is not really a CD related subject but once in a while there are just devices coming out that you have to know about. The ReplayTV 2020 is one of these devices. It is really "only" a "Video-Recorder" but instead of tapes it uses a harddisk to record up to 20 hours of TV with MPEG-2 quality compression! No more rewinding your long-play E300 tapes as you get instant replay.
It can skip commercials in a heartbeat, pause or rewind live TV and it can be programmed to always "tape" your favorite series or themes. For now it seems to only target the US market and it doesn't say much if it is also introduced anywhere else in the world.
The ReplayTV 2020 is a product from Replay Networks Inc. and it sells for US$ 699,-. Hope they know where Europe is, I can't wait to get one!!! |
CD-R, Audio & MP3 Software Releases |
For a complete overview see the CD-Writer, DVD-Writer & Audio/MP3 Software pages. |
07-12-99 |
CDR Identifier Update |
Added the CDR Identifier 1.47 to the CD/DVD Utilities page - Thanks Frank Wolf!
- Added 1 new manufacturer:
- 97m 22s 30f - 97m 22s 39f : Eximpo
06-12-99 |
CD Media Info |
TDK CD-RXG80ED Audio |
TDK CD-RXG74 Audio |
Ricoh MC104S 5-Disc CD-ReWriter |
Ricoh has released the Ricoh MC104S in Japan. It is the first 5-Disc SCSI CD-ReWriter.
It supports 4x Write/4x ReWrite/20x Read and it is based on the Ricoh MP7040 CD-ReWriter. Included with the drives comes B's Recorder GOLD 1.5 & B's CLiP software. The suggested retail prices is about US$ 775 which is a bit expensive for my taste.
It is not known if the drive is able to write 5 CD-R's simultaneously. Not much else is known yet as the website is in Japanese only. |
CD-R, Audio & MP3 Software Releases |
The Week in Review |
CD/DVD NewsWire |
CD News: |
DVD News: |
MP3 News: |
01-12-99 |
CD-R, Audio & MP3 Software Releases |
For a complete overview see the CD-Writer, DVD-Writer & Audio/MP3 Software pages. |
The Week in Review |
CD/DVD NewsWire |
CD News: |
DVD News: |
MP3 News: |